Kontaktujte nás:


po - pá 9:00 - 15:00

Telefon: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz



Statue Collectibles pobočka Poděbrady, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Jiřího náměstí 36
Poděbrady, 29001
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                         po-čt 10:00-18:00,                     pá 10:00-19:00                             so 9:00-19:00, ne 9:00-18:00

Tel: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KROMĚŘÍŽ, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Kotojedy 76
Kroměříž, 76101
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                              ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 608 760 309       

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KUTNÁ HORA, Film Legends  Experience Museum (sci-fi speciál)

Šultysova 174
Kutná Hora, 28401
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                            ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 777 064 977          

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz

Zážitková muzea Film LegendsAliens vs Predators Experience Museum



google-site-verification: google181ce77ce0a31e6d.html

Americana Strategy Game *English Version*

Age rating:
Výrobce: Wizkids
Kód: WIZ87585
EAN: 634482875858
Dostupnost: preorder 2025-05-20
878 ks
Sledovat produkt Přidat do oblíbených Sdílet

Pack your bag and grab your journal, it's time to trek through 1930s American wilderness! Wander the rural landscape and discover opportunities and threats unknown: friend and foe, cute and dangerous wildlife, and the mysteries of unexplored terrain, ominous abandoned buildings, and even the supernatural. You'll look back at these experiences and grow from them, gaining new skills, as well as inspiration from the lands you've visited. You'll record these memories in your journal as a testament to your grand adventure, until next time!
Travel to new locations, collecting stories and constructing havens along the way.
A hungry cougar, a lost lumberjack, an ancient burial ground, a foggy swamp - there are many things in the wilderness, and you decide how to interact!
Use memories and inspiration to record story cards into your journal to document your adventures and score points.
The object of Americana is to collect the most points by establishing Havens across the land and writing about your travels in. Will you have the most exciting story to tell after your adventures?


- 4 Player placards
- 3 Board pieces
- 95 Standard cards
- 48 Mini cards
- 128 Tokens
- 4 Meeples
- 4 Dice
- 72 Cubes
- 24 Crystals
- 1 Bag
- 1 Score pad
- 1 Rulebook