Kontaktujte nás:


po - pá 9:00 - 15:00

Telefon: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz



Statue Collectibles pobočka Poděbrady, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Jiřího náměstí 36
Poděbrady, 29001
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                         po-čt 10:00-18:00,                     pá 10:00-19:00                             so 9:00-19:00, ne 9:00-18:00

Tel: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KROMĚŘÍŽ, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Kotojedy 76
Kroměříž, 76101
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                              ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 608 760 309       

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KUTNÁ HORA, Film Legends  Experience Museum (sci-fi speciál)

Šultysova 174
Kutná Hora, 28401
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                            ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 777 064 977          

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz

Zážitková muzea Film LegendsAliens vs Predators Experience Museum



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Dungeons & Dragons Game Expansion Onslaught Scenario Kit - The Great Giant Games *English Version*

Age rating:
Dungeons & Dragons
Výrobce: Wizkids
Kód: WIZ89735
EAN: 634482897355
Dostupnost: preorder 2025-05-20
545 ks
Sledovat produkt Přidat do oblíbených Sdílet

Expansion: Requires the Dungeons & Dragons Onslaught: Tendrils of the Lichen Lich Starter Set (89725) to play.

Dive into the thrilling arena of the Great Giant Games! This annual festival transforms the historic battles between giants and humans into a celebrated spectacle of gladiatorial sport. Anything goes here, but if you beat the giants too badly, tempers may flare...

Each thrilling, strategic game of Onslaught begins with selecting a scenario, which determines the map, the monsters, the goals and more! Scenario Kits quickly expand the amount of gameplay content for Onslaught players, using existing content to provide excellent value, and giving them the option to use available miniatures, or miniatures they may already have, in new ways.

This kit introduces 6 epic new scenarios, and adds giants to the game, creating epic battles through an interconnected story. Players only need the Tendrils of the Lichen Lich Starter Set, as the kit includes tokens to represent the new monsters, but they will likely want to upgrade those tokens with miniatures from our Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures, Frameworks, and Icons of the Realms product lines to reflect the presence of the massive giants.

Players can build teams of characters from their D&D Onslaught collection to use in these scenarios, giving them unlimited replayability.

Players can use any thematically appropriate D&D miniatures to represent the new monsters, but our suggestions include:

Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures (unpainted)
- 90091 Storm Giant
- 90528 Fire Giant
- 73579 Fire Giant
- 73397 Frost Giant
- 90088 Ogre Zombie
- 90497 Hill Giant
- 90196 Gelatinous Cube
- 73192 Mimics
Frameworks (unpainted)
- 75094 Fire Giant
- 75049 Hill Giant
Icons of the Realms (Pre-Painted)
- 96202 Mimic Colony
- Monster Menagerie 3 #44 - Storm Giant
- Storm King's Thunder #27, #32A - Fire Giant
- Storm King's Thunder #29A, #29B, #43 - Frost Giant
- Storm King's Thunder #31A, #31B - Hill Giant
- Phandelver and Below #13 - Wolf

- 1 Scenario Booklet with 6 new scenarios
- 3 Monster Cards
- 3 Champion Cards
- 15 Item Cards
- 3 Reference Cards
- 16 Tokens