Kontaktujte nás:


po - pá 9:00 - 15:00

Telefon: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz



Statue Collectibles pobočka Poděbrady, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Jiřího náměstí 36
Poděbrady, 29001
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                         po-čt 10:00-18:00,                     pá 10:00-19:00                             so 9:00-19:00, ne 9:00-18:00

Tel: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KROMĚŘÍŽ, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Kotojedy 76
Kroměříž, 76101
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                              ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 608 760 309       

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KUTNÁ HORA, Film Legends  Experience Museum (sci-fi speciál)

Šultysova 174
Kutná Hora, 28401
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                            ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 777 064 977          

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz

Zážitková muzea Film LegendsAliens vs Predators Experience Museum



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Lord of the Rings Statue Gandalf on Gwaihir 15 cm

Age rating:
Dimensions length:
Dimensions height:
Lord of the Rings
Výrobce: Weta Workshop
Kód: WETA860102583
EAN: 9420024725832
Dostupnost: preorder 2025-03-11
3 207 ks
Sledovat produkt Přidat do oblíbených Sdílet

Immortal beings many times the size of ordinary birds of prey, the Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains flew so high that the only the sharp eyes of Elves could discern them in the blue.

Invisible and untouchable, their mastery of the sky was unrivalled till Saurons Ringwraiths took to the air upon the backs of fell winged beasts during the War of the Ring. Even the Dragons of old could not match their aerial prowess, and so keen was their sight that they marked even the stirring of a mouse upon the mountainside. Orcs tread openly on the slopes at their peril, and Wargs kept to the deep forests where trees shielded their passing.

In the days of the Third Age the mightiest of the Eagles was Gwaihir the Windlord. Friend to Gandalf the Grey, he bore the Wizard upon his back and more than once flew to his aid when great need called.

Size: 10,3 x 15 x 10,3 cm