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po - pá 9:00 - 15:00

Telefon: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz



Statue Collectibles pobočka Poděbrady, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Jiřího náměstí 36
Poděbrady, 29001
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                         po-čt 10:00-18:00,                     pá 10:00-19:00                             so 9:00-19:00, ne 9:00-18:00

Tel: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KROMĚŘÍŽ, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Kotojedy 76
Kroměříž, 76101
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                              ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 608 760 309       

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KUTNÁ HORA, Film Legends  Experience Museum (sci-fi speciál)

Šultysova 174
Kutná Hora, 28401
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                            ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 777 064 977          

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz

Zážitková muzea Film LegendsAliens vs Predators Experience Museum



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Marvel Statue Rogue & Gambit 47 cm

Age rating:
Výrobce: Sideshow Collectibles
Kód: SS300851
EAN: 747720264069
Dostupnost: preorder 2025-04-24
21 584 ks
Sledovat produkt Přidat do oblíbených Sdílet

Sideshow presents the Rogue and Gambit Statue. This romantic Marvel collectible highlights the flirtatious relationship between two heroes who just love to break the rules.

Ooh la la, chère! Measuring 18.5" tall, 11" wide, and 9" deep, the Rogue and Gambit Statue finds these two mutant lovebirds wrapped in a supercharged embrace that's literally swept them off their feet. These X-Men can't help but steal a moment of their own while on the battlefield, with Anna Marie smacking a big red kiss on the ace that was likely up Remy LeBeau's sleeve. Suspended on clouds of pink kinetic energy, the pair smile despite the danger - since it certainly won't get in the way of their hearts' desires. After all, what's romance without a little risk?

Inspired by these characters' appearances across Marvel media, this fully sculpted X-Men collectible captures the essence of an iconic comics couple with the power of polystone and true love. Every detail, from Rogue and Gambit's playful posing to the vibrant color palette of their classic '90s-era uniforms, creates an eye-catching centerpiece for your collection.

Pour some sugah on your shelf when you bring home the Rogue and Gambit Statue by Sideshow today!

Product size: 47 x 28 x 23 cm