Kontaktujte nás:


po - pá 9:00 - 15:00

Telefon: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz



Statue Collectibles pobočka Poděbrady, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Jiřího náměstí 36
Poděbrady, 29001
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                         po-čt 10:00-18:00,                     pá 10:00-19:00                             so 9:00-19:00, ne 9:00-18:00

Tel: 777 603 603

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KROMĚŘÍŽ, Film Legends Experience Museum 

Kotojedy 76
Kroměříž, 76101
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                              ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 608 760 309       

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz


Statue Collectibles pobočka KUTNÁ HORA, Film Legends  Experience Museum (sci-fi speciál)

Šultysova 174
Kutná Hora, 28401
Czech Republic

Otevírací doba                          po-čt 10:00-18:00,                      pá 10:00-19:00                            so 9:00-19:00,                            ne 9:00-18:00  

Tel: 777 064 977          

email: objednavky@statuecollectibles.cz

Zážitková muzea Film LegendsAliens vs Predators Experience Museum



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Ultimate Guard Multi Tokens (Pack of 25)

Age rating:
Dimensions length:
Dimensions height:
Ultimate Guard
Výrobce: Ultimate Guard
Kód: UGD011319
EAN: 4056133023702
Dostupnost: na objednávku do 20 dnů
166 ks
Sledovat produkt Přidat do oblíbených Sdílet

Missing the correct Zombie-Token to prepare your lethal attack? Need something to count the cards which have already been played during the game? Or just doodling while your opponent takes forever for his turn? Here you go! With our Multi Tokens, you will always have the right answer.

Customizable and reusable in combination with dry-erase markers, these standard sized tokens are made of high-quality playing card board for long-lasting durability and multiple uses. Scribble, draw, count and erase with our Ultimate Guard Multi Tokens.

- Customizable, reusable dry-erase cards
- Use as token, score pad, note pad, scribble board
- Great reusability with a dry-erase marker
- Standard sized cards (63 x 88 mm)
- High quality, durable playing card board with glossy foil
- Made in Germany
- Reusable: Combine a dry-erase marker with a dry towel for an effort-less cleaning of your token.
- Sleevable: Use a wet-erase marker for more resistant scribbles or if you want to sleeve your tokens. To reuse, just clean them with a wet towel or add a few drops of cleaning alcohol.
- Make it permanent: It's in the name! With a permanent marker, your artwork will last for eternity.